Bahama car wash

Value for money
Soap and chemicals are the best
WELCOME TO Bahama self-serve Car Wash

Bahama Car Wash
Since 1976 Bahama Car Wash and all predecessor car washes to have operated from its site have provided a self-serve car wash facility on Upper James Street, the main commercial road of Hamilton Mountain.
Every one of our seven bays has a vacuum. Our control boxes with a rotary dial in the middle offer various car washing and cleaning functions and dry vacuuming is one of the functions.
We use state-of-the-art Nayax POS card readers that accept by insert or tap all types of debit and credit cards (MASTERCARD / VISA / MAESTRO / AMEX / DISCOVER) as well as mobile and NFC payments (Google Pay / Samsung Pay / Apple Pay / Monyx Wallet) and most gift / prepaid cards through a contactless payment method for convenience of our customers. For those customers who prefer to pay by cash, our multifunctional control boxes are also equipped to accept $5 and $10 bills and only loonies and toonies in the coin slot.
Our vacuum hoses self-lock every couple of feet as one pulls them down for a longer hose. Once the customer is done with vacuuming, just with a slight yank downwards, the vacuum hose will self-retract (go upwards into the ceiling) like a seatbelt.
Bahama Car Wash sources from its suppliers soap and chemical products that are nothing but the best on the market. Cleanliness of our property is another serious subject to us. We do our best on a daily basis to keep all bays and surroundings as clean and garbage cans as unfilled as possible. If you have any concern in this regard, please speak to a member of our staff inside the Petro-Canada store.
For convenience, Bahama Car Wash has a vending room on site, where customers are able to break their large bills for loonies and buy some car products (cloths, sponges, little scent trees etc.) from the vending machine.
Being a long time member of the car wash industry Bahama Car Wash aims to be actively engaged with the community of the City of Hamilton and surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on modernity, cleanliness and responsiveness. Our business goal is to continue providing in Hamilton Mountain one of the greatest self-serve car wash facilities for the enjoyment of our loyal and regular customers as well as all new customers for many years to come.